How I like to color my Tribal Designs

Tattoo Inspired Flash Art by Matthew S. Kennedy -

This is the new Tattoo Inspired Flash Art Coloring Book. Made this video today. It is on sale on my Etsy Store for $19.95 or you can purchase individual downloads as well for only .99 Cents.

I like the new design of the coloring book this way because you have individual sheets you can pull out and place on a clipboard to color. I like to take my pens and coloring designs in a plastic clipboard I get at staples. I put velcro on them so I can hook them together. It works really well.

This is the latest coloring design I posted on my Ceramic Tattoo Art Website today. You can download it directly from the site for only .99 Cents, print it out and "color for Balance".

BUY my Tribal Tattoo Inspired Coloring Book on Etsy!
